A downloadable game for Windows

Ever wondered what a dating sim crossed with the Pixar film Inside Out and the indie hit The Stanley Parable would look like? No? Just me? Well, now you know!

In this game, you must survive a blind date. But you don't play as the guy on the date, you play as the guy running around his brain trying to make sure he doesn't screw up.

DEV NOTE: I've got an updated build at this point and am just waiting for the jam to finish to upload it. Bugs are still aplenty, especially if you try to sabotage the date by doing bizarre things, but I think there's still a fun experience here. The further I got in to squishing bugs, the more I realized my base foundation wasn't really set up to handle the kind of systems I set up and I would have to remake the whole game to fix it. Which, you know, one day I might.


Ghost Cat Games - Behind These Eyes - Windows v0.5.zip 707 MB

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